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Online Services

Request medication, view your records and book/cancel appointments

GP Online Services allow patients to book appointments, request medication, view medical records and more.

If you are 16+ with suitable photo ID, you can self-register by downloading the NHS App (Note: This is not the NHS COVID App). If you are unable to get through the self-registration, please contact the surgery for an alternative method of accessing online services. 

If you require online services for someone who lacks capacity to make their own care decision (e.g. very young children or an ill relative), please first self-register for the NHS App for yourself and then contact the surgery regarding adding additional patients to your account.

App-store-Google-Play-300x89.png App-store-Apple-300x100.png

Read about other GP Online Services options here.

Send us a message through eConsult

Consult online

Update your details

Please complete this form to update your personal details (name, address, telephone number etc. If changing name, please bring relevant documentation i.e. marriage certificate or deed poll

Repeat PrescriptionsManage your Repeat Prescriptions
Cancel AppointmentsCancel any existing appointments

Have Your Say

Important Information

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you have Coronavirus symptoms, please do not to come to the surgery, but call first.

Only come to the surgery if you have been asked to by a member of the Surgery team

If you are asked to attend the surgery, you MUST wear a face covering (Info)

All appointments are currently being dealt with via the telephone.

Please do not put prescription requests in early as they will only be processed when they are due.

If you have a routine query of any kind or need a test result and have internet access, please go to our website and use the eConsult system to contact us.

If you have loss of taste or smell, a temperature or a new continuous cough please self-isolate and follow the latest Government advice on self-isolation and test and trace from the links below.

If your symptoms are serious, or get worse NHS 111 has an online Coronavirus service that can give advice. Only call NHS 111 direct if you are unable to use online service.

For further advice, regarding Coronavirus please visit

Thank you for your cooperation


We are confident that our website will provide clear and concise help and give our patients the information they require in an easy and convenient format. It has been designed with the patient’s needs at the forefront of everything, from checking surgery times to letting us know what you think of us.

Serving You

Our dedicated team are here to treat those minor ailments that occur as well as providing specialist management of long-term conditions and clinics covering a wide range of healthcare issues. The technology also means you can now do a lot of things from the comfort of your home such as order a repeat prescription.

Personal List System

The Guildhall Surgery has a total list size of approximately 5000 patients. The doctors have always operated and continue to operate a personal list system. This means that each doctor is responsible for all of his/her own patients at any time that he/she is available within working hours.

The system enables the GP to develop a much closer working relationship with his/her own patients and ensures that for each patient ultimate responsibility clearly lies with an individual doctor. Additional benefits for patients include not having to relay your medical history. Where possible, families are registered with the same doctor for the same reason.

Partners in Care

Once registered, patients and healthcare professionals work together to ensure the most appropriate care is provided. This partnership philosophy extends even further and our active patient group exists to make sure that patient needs and the practice offering are always heading in the same direction.


For the convenience of wheelchair patients, there is a level access into the surgery and toilets. For patients unable to use the stairs, we have a lift to the upper floor. There is also an indoor pram park

(Site updated 11/07/2024)

Contact Details

Guildhall Surgery

Contact Telephone

01787 277523
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